Articles & News

What's On Your Mind?

What is on your heart and mind these days? What questions do you have about self-care, joy, worthiness, women’s wisdom, body image, play, aging, balancing all the life things, how to make a delicious gluten free, dairy free key lime tart...
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Wasting your time

"I came home from work yesterday and discovered that my kids had done nothing all day! After sleeping in, they spent the day watching tv, riding their bikes, eating and just hanging out. I realized I had better give them some chores and responsibilities or they were going to waste their whole summer!"
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The problem with resting

"Are all your classes like this?" The expression on her face was a mix of confusion and discomfort but her eyes held the distinct look of fear.
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Do you need a bathing suit day?

High of 28 degrees, will feel like 32. “Yes!” I yelled out loud and jumped out of bed. Rooting around in the closet, I pulled out my bathing suit and put it on. “Bathing suit day!” I yelled again to no one but myself and then actually skipped outside to start my day.
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The joy of imagination

"Your dog doesn't read to you?! I'm sorry. I know that some dogs do that, so I just assumed..."
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Entering a new season

"I'm wondering if you...," she hesitated. "Maybe you are eligible for a discount?" she finally blurted out.
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What Do You Truly Desire?

I glanced at the bottom corner of my work email box. 517 emails, 208 unread. Sigh.
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Living your best life

"There is suffering in life," my teacher said. "This is the first of the four noble truths. There will be pain, sickness, loss and death."
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Good, bad or somewhere in between?

In my last newsletter I wrote about rewriting your story and as I create some new stories to experiment with, I've been noticing how being "good" or "bad" has played into the stories I currently tell myself.
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Creating a new story

During my yoga class a few weeks ago, my teacher shared a personal story about fear. She knew of a challenging hike that climbed up to very high elevations ...
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You Can Begin Again

The picture of a crocus in the snow with the phrase "you can begin again" has graced the wall beside my desk for over a decade.
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Time for a Rest?

A long, long time ago ... before there were cell phones and computers, before telephones and television sets, before cars, machines and electricity ...
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A New Year Wish For You

The calendar is about to turn to a new year and I am stopping by with gratitude and a new year's wish for you.
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The Need for Beauty and Joy

“How can I live in such a beautiful place when there are so many people who don’t have a home at all?”
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Relax, You Are Supported!

I felt a tap on my shoulder and raised my head from the water. "Turtles!" my guide yelled, pointing to a distant spot in the bay, his voice muffled by the snorkel in his mouth.
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Finding the Perfect Fit

Has there ever been a time when you have forced yourself into something that doesn't fit your life?
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Please Stop Measuring!

How often do you measure yourself during the day? Do you measure your daily steps, calorie intake, how many likes or followers or friends you have on social media?
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The Benefits of Gratitude

It turns out that feeling and expressing gratitude actually impacts your health in a measurable way.
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Do You Need Boundaries?

I had stumbled across this festival while we were camping this summer and something in me drew me to go.
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Come Back to Your Seneses

How is your summer been so far? Are you finding ways to connect with the lightness and juiciness of this season?
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You're Not Normal!

“What I love about myself is my weird sense of humor," my friend said. “Even though it's not normal," she quickly added.
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Take Your Vitamins!

The early morning sun shone through the rustling leaves, causing shadow and light to dance softly across the patio table.
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Maybe Life is Hard for a Reason

I can't write this. This is too hard. Why can't this idea just magically flow onto the page and all I have to do is edit a few spelling mistakes and grammar?
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You are not cheating!

“I know I'm cheating," she said,“but it's fun and I like it"
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What Seeds Will You Plant for Your Life?

During the pandemic, my husband and I decided to plant a small garden. We had the time and the space but not the best conditions.
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Do You Hide your Joy?

I noticed some movement beside me and looked up to see an older woman standing beside my chair. She was elegantly dressed and her face was animated.
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What Flax Bread Taught me about Gettting It Right

As I slid the pan into the preheated oven, a little voice in my head said, “you know, this probably won't work. You've never been able to bake a loaf that turns out."
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Do you feel like you have to Get It Right the First Time?

I stared at the blank page in front of me, not knowing how to start. I glanced at the clock for the 20th time in the last five minutes and heaved a sigh.
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Failing Already?

We are coming to the end of January and I don't know about you but I feel like I blinked and this first month of the new year is already over!
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A different Kind of Resolution

We have arrived at a new calendar year and yet … is it me, or does it feel like nothing is new? How are you feeling?
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What Needs to Come Into the Light?

I reached in and pulled out a bulky, oddly wrapped package. A few seconds later, the tissue paper strewn in my lap, I was staring at a bright pink sequenced disco hat.
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You're Not Lazy ... Part 2

In last month's newsletter I talked about what is really going on when you think you are lazy, stuck or unmotivated. This month, I want to add another possibility for you to consider.
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You Are Not Lazy

You are not lazy, unmotivated or stuck. After years of living your life in survival mode, you are exhausted. There's a difference.
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I was so tired

Have you ever had a morning where you wake up feeling like you never slept?
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Learning Something New

I sharpened my pencils, made sure my eraser was nearby and pulled out a fresh, new notebook. It reminded me of going back to school in the early grades
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Coping with Transitions

"I have a sore throat," he told me. I looked at him, my mind immediately jumping to our plans for the coming weekend."
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Don't Believe Your Mind!

"Am I doing something wrong?" I looked up at my yoga teacher. "I feel like I am going to roll over my arms into a somersault." ...
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A Moment of Pleasure

I looked up and our eyes met. I smiled at him. He didn't smile back but his gaze stayed locked with mine...
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Let's Get Comfortable

I lifted her foot and placed a small towel under her ankle. Her body softened and a smile spread over her face...
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Perfect Balance

We have crossed the threshold from winter to spring in the northern hemisphere and though it might not look like it ...
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May You Be Blessed

I have been struggling to find a topic for this newsletter. To be honest, I have no idea ...
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How do you want to feel?

We have made the transition into winter and into a new calendar year. How are you feeling?
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A Gift to Help you Transition into Winter

Whether you have navigated this year with confidence and grace, anger and resistance or confusion...
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Getting Grounded

I got grounded regularly as a child. Did this ever happen to you?
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What's Around the Next Corner

Recently I went for a walk in the fog and mist of a quiet fall morning. I walk on this trail regularly...
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What is Essential

As we come down to the last few days of summer, I hope you have been able to enjoy some summer energy...
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Coming to Your Senses

I have been taking some time to play, relax and rest this summer and I hope you have been too! Now I am feeling...
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Do We Really Want Back to Normal or Is It Something Else?

Tina got up and wandered around the room, looking at books and reading the posters on the wall...
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Who Do You Want to Be?

I celebrated my birthday this month. Every year, part of my celebrations include time alone...
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Do Nothing

I'm guessing that by now, you are tired. Everyone is tired...
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Rubber Boots and Mud Pies

I carefully set the pie down on the old wooden crate near the edge of the garden. I stepped back...
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The Reason You Can't Get Everything Done

I took a moment to review my day. It was 11:10 pm, I was tired and ready for bed...
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Why its so Hard to Stick to Resolutions

The calendar has flipped to a new page and now everything (or some things) is/are going to be...
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Looking Back and Dreaming Forward

Welcome to Winter! We have just officially transitioned into a new season with all that...
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21 Days of Joy

I have a gift for you - at least it is a gift for me to share...
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